:Disciplinary Rules :

  1. Ragging is a cognizable offence (Government of Maharashtra Resolution NO. TEM/10967620/96 dated 6/9/1996). Students are requested to restrain from any form of ragging. Violating this provision is punishable by law. As per the UGC Draft Regulations on curbing the menace of Ragging in higher educational institutions, 2009, every student will have to sign an undertaking to refrain from Ragging, along with the admission form.

  2. A Cell against Harassment and Atrocities against Women is functioning in the College in keeping with the Supreme Court guidelines (Vishaka guidelines).

  3. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the campus.

  4. As per the SRTM University Rules, a minimum of 75% attendance is essential; failing to which action will be taken as per the rules.

  5. The students should be aware that four wheeler commuting to college and four wheeler parking for students is strictly prohibited.

  6. The student shall park the vehicle in the parking space provided by the college for students and pay the charges. If the vehicle is parked in adjacent space, college will not take responsibility of it.

  7. The student shall not consume tobacco, drugs, pan parag, gutkha, liquor and other things which are injurious to health.

  8. The student shall switch off his/ her mobile while in college premises.

  9. It is compulsory to wear I-card on the college campus.


                                              Maintenance of Discipline and Good Conduct by Students.

1. Every Student of M.U.College shall at all time.

i) Conduct himself properly, ii) maintain proper behavior, iii) observe strict discipline both on the campus of the college and also outside, in buses, railway trains or at Public places or at picnics or educational trips arranged by the College or at playgrounds, iv) ensure that no act of his / her consciously or unconsciously brings the College into disrepute. v) Shall not lodge any complaint or make any representation regarding any matter connected with the College to press or other media.

2. Any Student who behaves contrary to the provisions of following clause :

3) Shall constitute misconduct / or indiscipline which terms shall mean and include, among others, any one or more of the acts jointly or severally, mentioned hereinafter, namely -
(i) any act that directly or indirectly causes or attempts to cause disturbance in the lawful functioning of the college,

(ii) habitual unpunctuality in attending lectures, practical, tutorial and other courses as may be prescribed.

(iii) repeated absence from lectures, tutorials, practical and other courses as prescribed,

(iv) canvassing for or accepting contributions or otherwise associating himself or herself with raising of any fund or any object whatever without the previous sanction of the principal,

(v) Obstruction to any students or group of students in his or their legitimate activities, whether in the classroom, laboratories, fields, playground, gymnasium or place of social and culture activity within the campus of the college.

(vii) possessing or using fire arms, lethal weapons, explosives or dangerous or corrosive poisonous or stupefying drug or intoxicant in any form in the college.

(viii) ragging, bullying or harassing any students in the college or outside thereof,

(ix) to any other student or the authorities of the college or to staff member, or any member of the family of the staff.

(x) indulging in any act of violence, assault, intimidation or threatening in the College or outside thereof,

(xi) destroying or attempting to destroy or tamper with any official record or document of the College,

(xii) conduct unbecoming of the student at any meeting or special function or sports and culture activities arranged by the College or at any other public place,

(xiii) stealing or damaging any property belonging to the college, staff member of the college or any other students,

(xiv) instigation or participating in any gherao of any official or staff member of the college,

(xv) violation of any of the rules and regulations of the college or orders of the Authority,

(xvi) gambling in any form in the college,

(xvii) refusal to appear to give evidence before Enquiry Officer appointed by the authority with respect to a charge against him,

(xviii) disorderly behavior in any act specifically forbidden by the authority.

(xix) conviction on the Court of Low for criminal offences, involving moral turpitude,

(xx) any other act not specifically mentioned hereto before which whether, by commission or omission, as would in the circumstances of the case, be considered by the Authority as an act of misconduct and / or indiscipline.

